
Abattoir Manifesto

Cutting Room







Asexual Television Set Religion and autonomy Future Gasmask Featuresfuck postmodernism


And I wanted to free my mind from America and I wanted to free my mind from America and I wanted to free my mind from America and I wanted to find my own form -- not only in music but in thought and in the way I used my imagination.

After four months in Stockholm, I felt my imagination wasn’t being stimulated any more.

And I wanted to be a free body,  moving. 

So I went up to the North Pole.

I hitchhiked three or four thousand miles.

And what did I find?

Fucking ice and sea-slugs.

Dead white people.

I can turn into an octopus and fuck you.

I can turn into a modern Prometheus and fuck you.

I can turn into Jesus and fuck you.

You goddamned flight attendant.

That condom nearly killed me.

White pepper vodka martini.

I know Caesar was a printer when he wasn’t selling dope for Djinni,  we met him in a bar on Decatur Street.

Do you remember the abandoned Fish and Wildlife building?

The bleeding to death man whispering helpmehelpmehelpme in his crawling red and white shirt does not haunt me.

Fuck you Miles Davis.

And I wanted to free my mind from America and I wanted to free my mind from America and I wanted to free my mind from America and I wanted to find my own form --

Featuring: Akbar del Piombo | Luis Buñuel & Salvador Dalí  | Philip K. Dick Tristan Tzara  | |