Dada is dead daDA is nothing

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dada is dead daDA is nothing 

The widow's daughter was a murderess.
He charmed me on the sidewalk.
Cashing in at the cybordello.
What you stab with depends on your ticket,
But the research department never cares. 

Animation spray unlike the soul.

Shoulder agents and thighs spy Inkblots.
"I'll set you on fire if you don't clean all this shit up off my world."
Holding a bottle of turpentine and a match.
The menu was in school girl chatter.
We could read it upside down.
"The exterminator will be here tomorrow we must move on."
When the light goes down, it may be wise to become invisible. 

Behind the clothing skeleton key.

He locks himself in the medicine cabinet.
One hundred fifty. Two points higher than me.
He remembers this throughout the night.
Counting the friction on the plaster.
He said, "Chemistry of wood."
At age three he could fly.
You are offered the dream of a lifetime. Say yes!
The old Buddhist monk and the Russian boy.
"Don't tempt me with such perversions."
camels breeding Chinese horoscopes SOLEMN FIGURES

The pear was a device that expanded after being inserted orally, anally, or vaginally. It was used to rupture the sensitive membranes and tissues of these areas. With much of the damage being inside the body cavity, "CONFESSIONS" thus extracted could seem to be freely given. Facial masques in fruit or herb scents, body oils, and bath beads connect you with the earth, as does carved wood. sawdust doll.

A photographic study of pain.

He handed me writing samples and collections of drawings printed on Mediterranean blue gauze and undyed hemp. 

Nanobugs burning books. Nightmares in the library. Paper hat on the head of the girl in the electric chair.  
Do you customarily examine paintings in the dark? She held a birdcage over her head. In the phone booth we loaded the weapon. I left the wine spots off this time. 

Monotheism, like the pyramids, was fabricated from some exotic urge.
::: posted by Lepidoptera Demagogue at 12/28/2001 12:33:45 PM