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this is Rev. Christoph Elgaroo Brenza, of Elgaroo's Psychic Enema,, etc.

i randomly found this just before i was going to bed (i would have found it sooner or later, of course) so i won't be adding much at the moment, but i have pretty much all of LuLu and my text based conversations archived, as well as several more pictures, and of course my own memories.

sorry my personal site is such a mess...P i'll at least drag that page into the current millenium as soon as i get around to it.

this wiki is really touching, and just brilliant, with the radical modern communications technology, LuLu would totally love it.) i'm sure something more insane and radical in design would be more her taste, but we can make experimental multimedia HTML tribute pages seperately, and keep this as more of a "useful" databank and linkfest. she'd really appreciate living on in this way, and especially as it is arising so spontaneously and chaotically, tracing the aftermath of her existance like exploded particle trails through a bubble chamber. who else could have inspired such an intense tribute, and touched so many lives so deeply?

i'd feel so much sadder if i didn't feel her floating around with me all the time, and i am sure that where or what ever she might be right now, she's having an all out blast.

i am so glad to have you all to share her memory with. her light shall shine through eons.


these are some pieces directly inspired by / written for / dedicated to LuLu:

[edit] LuLu


Lying on the crux of revealing
Every moment I've ever been
And knowing that is everything
Nothing is beginning to dream

[edit] Obfuscation, Over


Lies and obfuscation over the truth, and the political technique of personal character assassination as a way to win elections or to garner a few on the left, that's suffering, then gluttony, and obfuscation over on the right. (Irving's cries of protest are ignored as the three march in and settle using session beans and the façade design pattern will aid in security by providing this layer of obfuscation over the data schema by choosing obfuscation over clarity.) Jordan has given us coolness where there should be heat and shallowness where there should be depth. This concern exemplifies the surprisingly large degree of confusion and obfuscation over such a profound and fundamental concept as if when I finally heard back from him, it became obvious that he had chosen obfuscation over contrition. Presumably unaware that I had a tape, offers an “alternative to the obfuscation, over-formalization, and xenophobia of traditional asian and english tea houses."

[edit] volatile veins


meet me at the computer lab at 25:00.
bring meat but be discrete.
lock the door, unlock the ore.
sample cut sample fresh sample high

the eyes dance through the dark bass of boredom dripping through my
ceiling like so much raw sewage.
flush raccoon eyes calling me to the water closet dripping with fish,
drying with time,
slamming with light,
beating with red
bright red
violently smooth and stretching towards me
bouncing and twining
pillars are green with half imagined circles
alight and bobble in the free exasperation of leaving the decay
to fall aright
a blasting light
removes my stubbled doubt
and gracious
signs my dumpster to the night man
ghostly entropies
calamity in close proximity
clammy on the roof of my mouth
in months without
reduce incredulate
spiral trees rejoicing an atropic vibration
clutching my teeth with GREEN
its rot fills my nostrils with wait
i know it's you
but does this mean it's me?
gone unto timeless wonder
the elevator descends
send impulse for interface (PING!)
let me know
the arrow goes...