Talk:The High Priestess

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I really got to thank Laurie for this, I am glad to see this again, and don't recall saving it anywhere. I barely remember composing it now, vaguely I know it was a cutup, one of the ingredients was a book on the tarot. I don't recall the other source material now.

I didn't think much about this when I composed it. Now it is so meaningful to me, (or as Cathal Bui would say, meaniful). Employing the cutup technique allows you to tap into something beyond yourself, I'm quite sure of that. I hear Burroughs' voice, from some recording in my head, "life is input by random factors... life *is* a cutup." %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Awww. It was good. --msggoat 14:34, 31 July 2007 (UTC)