Talk:Untitled piece submitted for NIM

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I asked Lulu to write something to include in a zine I was working on. Not sure exactly when 98ish I'll try to remember when this happened.

It's interesting I think, and really shows of her sense of humor, and stunning creativity.

This was later, than 98 probably 2000ish. It's similar to a poem I wrote about the god Pluto driving a Cadillac. I remember the inspiration for my poem, and was abstract lucid moments falling asleep watching the movie Gattica and some old Cadillac that was at a junk yard or somewhere, I think in Wheeler... Ahh I bet Charles remembers that car. My poem was called "Take time to smell the external gratification" I'm as bad at keeping track of my own writing as I am with Lulu's, but if i find that poem, i will post it here.

So I think Lulu was riffing a bit of that poem, and the images in it are things that are pretty personal to me, I don't think I ever realized this until now. I asked her to write something for me, and it was actually a bit over my head how she did write it *for* me.